YK Flex - Formerly YATS (Yellowknife accessible transit system)
This service has been operating since 2005. It provides accessible door to accessible door bus service for people who are unable to ride the regular city bus as a result of a disability. Applications are approved by our office and forwarded to City Hall, who maintains a database of all users. The cost is $2.00 per ride. If a rider required an attendant, there is no charge for the attendant.
Yellowknife Accessible Transit Riders Guide Brochure
Yellowknife Accessible Transit Application
Please contact our office for more information.
Chenai Munjoma
Information, Referral, and Support Coordinator
Toll Free: 1.800.491.8885
Tel.: 867.873.8230
Fax: 867.873.4124
Email: info@nwtdc.net
Mail: Suite 116, 5102 50th Avenue
Yellowknife, NT
X1A 3S8