lEARNING sUPPORTS for Persons with Disabilities

The Learning Support for Persons with Disabilities Fund helps NWT residents with disabilities achieve their learning goals. Individuals or organizations may apply for funding. Proposals must show that the funding requested will help to overcome barriers to learning.

Who can apply for funding?

Individuals or organizations may apply for funding.

Eligibility Criteria for Individuals:

  • Must have a disability

  • Be involved in a learning activity

  • Show their commitment to achieving stated education, employment or personal goals

  • Be 18 years of age or older and out of High School

  • Be a NWT resident and unable to receive funding for training elsewhere

Learning Supports Individual Application

Learning Supports Organization Application

Learning Supports Handbook

Learning Supports Brochure

Please contact our office for further details.

Chenai Munjoma
Information, Referral, and Support Coordinator
Toll Free: 1.800.491.8885
Tel.: 867.873.8230
Fax: 867.873.4124
Email: info@nwtdc.net